Euh, lochting?
Well, in Old Flemish, a lochting is a garden. The word first appeared in written documents around 1200 AD. It’s a place where you feel at ease, where you can grow some great things without having to go anywhere else. Just like our platform. Lochting was designed to help you grow your business, allowing you to manage all your commercial efforts in one place.

lochting* [garden, yard] {lochtinc, lochten(e), lochteuine [open space or garden near a house] 1272} from look1 [a plant] + tuin (garden), cf. Old English lēac-tūn [vegetable garden] (cf. loggia, loge, lobby).
lochtink noun: vegetable garden, back garden, garden. Mainly Flemish. lochtinc, lochtuun ‘vegetable garden’, 1396 lochtinc, Oudenaarde (Hoebeke 1968), primarily 1562 lochtinc ‘iardin’ (Lambrecht), lochtinck ‘garden’ (Kiliaan). From lochtuun < looctuun ‘vegetable garden’. Cf. Old English. lêactûn ‘vegetable garden’, older English leighten ‘garden’. Hoebeke 1968, 410-414 could also identify no better explanation than that of C. Vereecken for the time being, but nevertheless has objections on the basis of the old Oudenaarde forms: -1272 lochtwijn, 1285 ieghen den lochtwijn, 1288 van .j. lochteuine, 13th c. lochtewin, ± 1300 achter lays lochtuin, 1320 den lochtwine, 1355 van den lochtin, 1369 bruuns lochtwin. – Bibl.: C. Tavernier-Vereecken, De etymologie van lochting (The etymology of ‘lochting’). Med. Ver. Naamk. 28 (1952), 81-84.
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